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The Cheap Reader

The Cheap Reader is Alison. She works in a library and dreams of one day becoming a Youth Services Librarian. She loves reading and has a soft spot in her heart for YA and MG fiction.

Secret of Platform 13

The Secret of Platform 13 - Eva Ibbotson It’s always a shame when a summary of a book sounds really magical but the book ends up being less than magical. That’s not to say that this book was bad because it wasn’t. It was just a bit flat. Maybe it was because it was a little juvenile so I didn’t fully connect with it?The story was definitely a bit predictable. As soon as Ben was introduced I knew what was going to happen. I didn’t know the specifics of how we would get to the end but I knew the big twist. What do you know? Sure enough as the story wrapping up, I discovered that I was right. Even though it was predictable, I still wanted to read because I wanted to see how it was pulled off.The bottom line? It was a decent but predictable story.